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Evan T. Pritchard, No Word for Time
Wabanaki elders have told me that most of the household crafts as they were practiced by their ancestors a few hundred years ago required immense patience. There was nothing you could flick a switch and create.
Immense patience
Evan T. Pritchard, No Word for Time
Time separates us from the past and the future, but in Micmac, the emphasis is on the here and now. There is a past tense, and a future tense as well, there are tales of the great past, and prophecies of the future, but it all is related to the now.
The here and now
Evan T. Pritchard, No Word for Time
You can't do time unless you are in prison. You can't see time except while watching the clock — something most native people try to avoid. So time is not real unless you are in prison.
You can't do time unless you are in prison
Evan T. Pritchard, No Word for Time
Traveling by foot gives you a sense of personal accomplishment no other mode of transportation grants you. It also gives you a sense of how big our Turtle Island really is. (You would also grow very strong!)
A sense of personal accomplishment
Evan T. Pritchard, No Word for Time
The way time is dealt with in Algonquin speech teaches us that time is relative and elusive in nature, just as Einstein proved, and as quantum researchers are discovering. There is no concept of time outside its embodiments in the things of nature.
Time is relative and elusive
Evan T. Pritchard, No Word for Time
Share when spirit moves you to tell the story that pours through your heart and you shall move others. Those tears shed are the Creator touching and healing others through you, and you are touched as well.
Share when spirit moves you
Evan T. Pritchard, No Word for Time
Animals are very highly revered in the Algonquin world and gestures are parts of language we share with animals. It helps us feel close to them in spirit. Native American dances often imitate animal motions, as do many Asian martial arts movements.
Animals are very highly revered
Evan T. Pritchard, No Word for Time
Dancing is sacred poetry in action; it expresses balance, exchange, relationship, beauty, animal-like grace, and tradition. But you can't do it and analyze it at the same time. You have to let go of yourself as a fixed object in position, and flow with the music into the long, shining river of life.
Dancing is sacred poetry in action
Evan T. Pritchard, No Word for Time
The earth talks to us if we know how to listen. The Micmac say, "You are stepping on your own medicine."
The earth talks to us
Lakota Indian Activist , Soul of a Citizen
If you think you're related to the stars, you'll have a different view of your responsibility.
If you think you're related to the stars